Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness

Sometimes when I am feeling frustrated with my life, I watch My Little Pony. Definitely not kidding here! It is a wonderfully uplifting show, even if I am almost twenty years older than the target audience. Quite a few of the episodes have little food vignettes, but my favorite episode centers on the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. In the show it is described as “All that rich creamy goodness of the marzipan combined with the tart tanginess of the mascarpone blended perfectly with the smooth silky sweetness of the meringue.” My friend Laura and I set out to recreate the cake with our own special touch.

Clearly neither of us is a professional baker, but I used my culinary training to make some delicious marzipan and Laura’s artistic ability went a long way in the coloring and shaping of the fruits and leaves. Since I am not a huge fan of normal cake, we decided to make a delectable creamy mascarpone cheesecake as the base.  The meringue did not turn out very well, but I decided it was somewhat superfluous anyway. In the end the cake as a whole was delicious. Well worth the cavities.

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