Saturday, June 16, 2012

Rain, Rain, Go Away and Produce of the Week

I absolutely adore Vancouver weather about 75% of the time. This is not one of those times. I love summer in this city and all the wonderful things to do. I love waking up early on a Saturday morning and cruising the farmers market before dashing off to ballet. I love it much less when I wake up to a dismal lack of sunshine and the sound of endless rain outside my window. It is so much harder to motivate oneself when walking outdoors causes shoes to be soaked and hair to frizz (oh good lord the frizz…). Despite these gloomy Saturday feelings, I managed to get myself to the market and have a lovely time chatting with vendors and browsing produce. After all, even an incredibly dreary day is brightened with fresh strawberries!

Forstbauer Farm. Squash blossoms that will be, once again, stuffed with cheese and basil, tempura-battered, and fried.
Crisp Organics. Delightfully fresh romaine lettuce that has already been used in a Caesar salad tonight.
Klippers Organics. Kale, strawberries, and collard greens. The kale will be lightly sautéed and drizzled with lemon and olive oil. Strawberries=gone. The collard greens were my favorite find this week! They will be gracing my meals to go along with shrimp etouffee and garlic bread.
Hui’s Farm. Baby shitake mushrooms that will go into a light risotto on Tuesday night.

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